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Thursday, March 1, 2012

I Pray He Doesn't Forget


 Josh and I took an Institute class together about a year ago.  The teacher was absolutely amazing!  One day he told us a story from a girl he had a few years earlier.  She was giving her 2-year old niece and her 3 month old daughter a bath.  She had to grab a towel from a closet at the entrance to the bathroom.  She asked her niece to watch her baby.  When she walked back in she heard her niece say "will you tell me what Heaven was like, I'm starting to forget". 

I just put Michael to bed.  It was a lengthy process tonight.  I gave him a bath, got him dressed, fed him, tried to rock him, read him stories, sang to him, and rocked him again.  Somewhere in the middle of it all I remembered this story.  Looking at my little boy all I could think was please don't forget.  I know he has to, but I pray he can keep a little memory, even just a glimmer of it, for as long as possible.  Because I know that he won't feel anything close to that joy for the next 19 years until he goes through the temple.  I also pray that I can be there on that day, and hold my boy as close as I did tonight.

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