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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One week left...

In just one short week we will be married :) Until then, we are trying to come up with things to keep us busy so that counting down the days doesn't kill us. Packing, working, apartment hungting, friends and family have kept us pretty entertained! Thankfully this week will go by fast!!
For everyone who doesn't know whats been going on with Josh and I lately, I'll fill you in.
Josh went on a Spanish speaking mission to California about three years ago. He had a blast and picked up a love of Mexican food. He came home last July. He proposed to me in January when we went snowboarding! He went up to Logan for school for spring semester, and we will both go up there next semester. Currently, he is the aerospace engineering program and plans to get his masters degree.
I just graduated high school. I plan on majoring in biology and chemistry and attending medical school after that. I ran cross country and played lacrosse through high school and hope I can continue those through college!
Well thats us for now. We don't know where life will take us but we know it will be a great adventure!