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Saturday, March 28, 2015

Conversations with Crumpets

Elli:  Mommy I'm getting married today.
Michael:  Me too!
Me:  Who are you getting married to?
Michael:  Adrienne!
Elli:  Ethan!
some friends of ours that we spend a lot of time with 

Michael normally sits on the floor during sharing time at church and doesn't sing, we told him he had to sing loud this week
Michael:  Daddy I sing loud today.  Really loud.  I was good!

We were in line at Costco
Elli screaming:  I have to go potty right now!

Me:  How did you sleep?
Michael:  Very good.  I was a bad boy and you sent me to my room.
Me:  Yup.  Will you be better now?
Michael:  Yeah.
Elli:  Michael be nice!
Me:  He is being nice.
Elli:  Michael hit me!
Me:  No he didn't, he's far away from you.
Elli:  Michael spit on me!
Me:  No one spit on you.
Elli:  Stop it Michael, you go to timeout!

Ethan had a blowout diaper
Michael:  Mommy, Ethan's a baby so he can poop in his diaper.  I'm a big boy so I go poop in the potty.
Elli:  I a big girl!
Michael:  No you poop in your underwear.
Elli:  Stop it Michael!
Michael:  Mommy!  Elli told me to stop it when I called her a baby.
Me:  Elli you can be a big girl when you poop in the potty.  You're working on it aren't you?
Elli:  Yes mommy I be a big girl.
Michael:  Elli still a baby.
Me:  Michael be nice.
Elli:  Yeah Michael be nice to me!

Me:  Come on we need to go to the store.
Michael:  Wait I need to get my monies!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Siblings are the best!

Siblings result in fun photos like this.  Especially if you have an older sister.  Siblings are fun.  Annoying at times, but mostly fun.

The past month my kids have really clicked.  Elli and Michael are constantly kissing Ethan.  Michael tries to hold Ethan, which results in them both falling over.  Michael and Elli still fight over toys, but now they happily play by themselves without any supervision.  They randomly tackle each other and love it.  I caught Elli sitting on Michael's head and he thought it was the funniest thing ever.  Michael takes the lids off of markers for Elli, and Elli shares her Arthur books with Michael.

It's been refreshing!  Of course these cute moments are followed by Michael saying Elli hit him ten times.  Or Elli saying Michael spit on her.  At least we are moving in the right direction!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Conversations with Crumpets

Michael:  I want Macaroni and Cheese!
Elli:  No!  Mac and Cheese!
Michael:  It's Macaroni!
this went on for quite a while

Elli:  Ethan is spitting!
Michael:  Ethan's a baby so he can spit.

Elli:  Mommy there's dog poop on my shoe - hey I found my piggy tail!
All said in one breath.  No, there was not dog poop on her shoe.

Elli's nickname since birth has been peanut.  We saw some packaging peanuts on the ground as we went to play group
Elli:  Mommy what's that?
Me:  A packaging peanut.
Elli:  What?
Michael:  A peanut?
Elli:  What?
Me:  A packaging peanut.
Elli:  What?
Michael:  A packaging peanut!
Elli:  WHAT?
Me:  Not you Elli, it's called a peanut.
Elli:  What?
Josh thinks I should change her nickname.

Michael:  What are you making?
Me:  Corn.
Michael:  You make us popcorn popping!  I want to watch dragons!
Me:  Not popcorn, corn for dinner.
Michael:  Okay now you make us popcorn popping!  I want to watch dragons!

Elli saw a picture of spongebob squarepants somewhere.
Elli:  Macaroni!
Me:  No, it's spongebob squarepants.
Michael:  Yeah spongebob snowpants, not macaroni.

Josh:  I'll just sleep in your bed tonight.
Michael:  No you have to sleep in your bed.
Josh:  Can't I cuddle with you?
Michael:  No, I don't want to cuddle.  I want to be alone right now.

Me:  Elli how old are you.
Elli:  5.
Me:  No you're 2.
Elli:  No, 5 me!
I give her a high five

Michael was talking into a fake phone
Michael:  Hello!  Umm I was wondering if you want to come have ice cream with us.  Yeah.  I'll talk to you later, bye!
Me:  Who were you talking to?
Michael:  Mikey!
Me:  You are Mikey.
Michael:  No I'm Michael.
Me:  Your cousins call you Mikey.
Michael:  No, I want them to call me Michael!  That's why I called Mikey for ice cream.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Conversations with Crumpets

I need to write these down more before I forget them!

Michael:  Mommy can I paint?
Me:  No, you've already colored today.
Elli:  Michael, paint!
Michael:  Shhh!  Wait until mommy goes upstairs

Michael:  You went upstairs and I told you to go downstairs.  You had a shower and I cried.

Michael:  I want cheerios!
Me:  Please wait a minute.
Michael:  We got more cheerios at Costco so can I have some please?

Elli:  Mommy, I'm getting married today!
Me:  Really?  To who?
Elli:  Umm Ethan!

I was taking a nap on the floor of Ethan's room
Michael:  Mommy I went and got Elli out of her room.  You can sleep now.
Elli:  Mommy!
Michael:  Shh! Elli, mommy is sleeping.

Michael:  Can I watch my show please?
Me:  No, you should be sleeping so I'm watching my show.
Michael:  I'm sorry I'm not sleeping mommy.
Me:  It's okay.
Michael:  I'll just read my science book.  Can you find the crocodile page for me please?

Elli:  Go to timeout!
Michael:  You don't talk to me like that!
Elli:  No!  Go to timeout right now!
Michael:  Mommy!  Elli's not the parent!