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Thursday, May 16, 2013

18 Months

Sunday I wrote about Michael turning 18 months and going to nursery.  Today I'll tell you a little bit more about him and how he has grown up in the last 6 months.

Michael is one happy kid.  For being a grumpy newborn he has changed a ton!  He is usually always in a good mood, unless of course he does something wrong and I say no to him, at which point he falls apart and gets giant crocodile tears.  He also wants to play all the time.  When I tell him he can't he falls apart too.

Michael talks a lot.  A LOT!  And loudly, but I'm sure all of you knew that already.  He talks to strangers too.  Lately he's been saying more words and phrases.  On top of a lot of nouns, he has started saying what, where, that, and want.  Yesterday he kept saying "want go bye bye, where dada, want dada".  I translated that to mean we need to see daddy now. 

Despite loving daddy so much he has become very independent.  He is perfectly content to play in his room for a while by himself.  He loves to go in the kitchen and get out all of my mixing bowls and utensils and play with them, it could entertain him for hours.  He wants to do everything by himself lately.  He opens doors, he tries to buckle himself in, he feeds himself a lot, he grabs things off of counters he thinks he needs, he tries to grab his toothbrush out of our hands, and he will push his high chair to where he wants to eat in the house.  Luckily he leaves the diapering to me (except when he took off his diaper and ran around the house and peed in my room).

He loves other kids.  Surprisingly he can be a little shy, but he loves other kids.  He tries to play with them and gets a big smile when he sees someone his size.

Michael loves Elli.  At first I didn't think he did, or could, but he does.  He is always giving her hugs.  Lately he tries to hold her hand if she is crying, especially if they are in the stroller.  I put her on her tummy yesterday because she had some gas and she was crying pretty bad.  I told Michael to comfort her and he started softly patting her back.  The rare times when he says "love you" are usually directed at her.

He listens a little.  Today I told him to grab some socks and get in the stroller.  He followed my directions perfectly the first time I said them, except he grabbed his one single sock instead of a pair.  I think he understands most of what I'm saying but chooses to ignore it because in his little mind he is still #1.

While he still thinks he is the only person in the world that matters he isn't as bad since Elli joined the family.  Somehow he understands that when I'm telling him to be patient while I'm feeding her I am still validating his need to play but letting him know she matters too.  It has made life much more pleasant.

Michael is crazy.  Yesterday he walked right off my bed and got wedged between Elli's crib and the bed.  It took some strong pulls to get him out.  He has a big bump on his head from trying to climb up a big pillow into his crib and falling off the pillow and smacking his head on the crib.  He is constantly trying to climb up things, like the glider and stepping stool.  I love this about him because he is fearless and I get some good cuddles in if he gets hurt.

There is so much more I could tell you about this little man, but I will leave you with some cute pictures instead!

He's started coloring and he loves it

See the spoon in his hand?  Uploading this picture was how I discovered it was in the dryer

Luckily this has only interested him once

Besides shushing me he now loves to plug his ears a lot

His black eye after a few days

These are only from the last 3 months.  As you can tell he loves his PJ's and his high chair.  I give up on real clothes unless we leave the house.

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