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Friday, May 10, 2013

Josh, Robot

Josh's semester is over!  This has been one of the most stressful semesters we have ever had, despite the fact that Josh only had 3 classes compared to the usual 5.  I wish I could say it was so stressful because we had a baby in the middle of it, but that would be a huge lie.  Elli didn't make the semester rough at all.  Besides, I had her on a Friday and the only class Josh missed was the one he left early to rush me to the hospital.  What made it a rough semester was this robot.
It had to act like a mars rover and pick up blocks and make a stack of them.  Here we picked up Michael's toy truck and set it in the swing.  Josh did a lot of the designing and put together a good deal of it.  It was a pretty cool robot, and fun to chase Michael with.

I went with the kids and Josh's Grandpa to see him compete.  It was nothing like this robot...
But it was still pretty cool!  Unfortunately the little "hand" part of it (the part that was holding Michael's truck) stopped working about halfway through the competition.  So Josh's robot ended up pushing blocks to the other robot to stack.

Josh won a rock-paper-scissors battle and we now have the robot sitting on top of our entertainment center (since there is really no other place to put it).  Having this over with has relieved us both so much!!  Then I remember he has to build a race car engine for his senior project next year...wish him luck!

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