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Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Random Tidbits

So there are a lot of things going on in our lives that just don't seem like enough to write a whole post about.  Actually, I'm just being lazy.

Josh graduated last Friday!  Instead of walking we decided to go to Tucano's, and he loved it!  Then we went and saw the new Captain America.  People keep asking if he's sad he didn't walk, and I don't think he is.  Honestly, he just wanted to be done and not think about it.  On top of that he's been so busy lately with his senior project that he didn't have much time to think about ordering anything.  We're so glad he's done!

Instead of homework we spend our nights doing yard work.  We have a lot to do.  We're really annoyed at our builder right now because they did a horrible final grade on our yard and then they took down our stake, so we have no idea where our property line is.  We have to fill out warranty stuff to get them to come put a stake up....when they are building 4 houses down the street and are here every day.

We attempted potty training Michael again, but it didn't work.  He would hold it on the potty and then as soon as we put his underwear back on he would pee.  We bribed him with everything imaginable.  Including Grandpas truck, a trip to Lowe's, a candy cane, and his Easter candy.  All at once, and nothing worked.  After a few major meltdowns we decided maybe it isn't quite time.  He also seems to be scared of the potty, or at least he is now.

Elli is finally done teething for now, meaning she has been the happiest little thing ever!  We've missed her happy little self.  She has a doctors appointment this week, so we'll see if she's growing.  I weighed her on our scale a couple of weeks ago and she finally hit 20lbs, but now she's running everywhere and burning everything off.  We finally put her in 12-18 month clothes.  She's finally growing!  She's started saying more and more little words, like milk and Michael.

I'm 33 weeks pregnant!  All I can think is 4 more weeks and then I can go running and get this baby out.  I've had a lot of contractions lately.  Sunday night I had them consistently for a few hours.  I'm so excited to have another baby!  Or maybe I'm excited to not be pregnant anymore.  Either way, I'm happy we're getting there!  I have an appointment with my midwife on Friday, the last one at her clinic.  After that it's one home appointment and then I just wait for the baby.  Can you tell I'm getting excited?

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