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Friday, March 14, 2014

Little Runner Boy

It's been nice enough for about the last month to put my kids in the double jogging stroller and head out.  I don't always run, or I make it a hundred yards before I feel like I'm going to pee my pants and I walk the rest of the way.  Normally I'll just run later if this happens.  With this happening a few times a week my kids have started to do a few cute things.

First off, they both shout "go!"  Even Elli has joined in.  How can you not run faster when you have an adorable girl shouting at you?

Then Michael learned to shout "run mom!" and "faster!"  I also learned I can't tell him that the baby is making me want to pee my pants, because he says rather loudly to strangers "mommy pee pants."

A couple of weeks ago he kept saying "Michael want run".  So I decided to let him get out of the stroller and run.  I was surprised when he kept running for a good 100 yards.  Now he usually asks to get out and run on his own a little whenever we go out.

This morning I took the kids on a long walk to see some cows and horses.  Michael wanted to get out and run, so I let him.  He ran 20 feet then fell flat on his face.  I asked him if he was okay and he never responded.  I told him that when we fall, we get up, wipe our hands off, and keep going.  He took off running again and fell after another 20 feet.  I asked if he was okay again.  He responded "I get up, keep going!" (I geet dup, keep goin')

Maybe it's the hormones, but this was a proud mommy moment for me!  Even though he only ran another 10 feet, saw a port-a-potty, thought I was tricking him into using the potty, and jumped into the stroller.  I was still happy he kept going!  Now I need to invest in some better shoes for him...

1 comment:

  1. So cute!! I love that he was so happy to get up and keep going after you told him that. So sweet!!!
