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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Animal fun

Today we went to the zoo, which is nothing new in this family.  We go at least once a week.  Michael loves it and Elli gets excited every time she sees the sea lions.

Michael knows most of the animals at the zoo from little books we have at home.  This week he learned what a snake was.  I told him there were snakes at the zoo.

We were walking from the giraffes up to the tigers and he sees a small stick on the ground, like a 3 inch stick thinner than a pencil.
Michael:  Uh oh!!  Oh no!  Mommy a snake!
Me:  That's not a snake it's a stick
Michael walked around it quickly and suddenly stopped again
Michael:  Oh no!  A snake!
Me:  That's another stick
Michael:  Where snake go?
Me:  They are all in that building
Michael ran as fast as he could from the reptile building

Besides this fun conversation he has fun looking at the gorillas and orangutans now.  He knows the difference between them somehow - I didn't teach it to him.  He asks to see o-illas and TP's now (I have no idea where TP came from, I just remember asking him if he wanted to see the orangutans and he kept saying "go see TP's!").

He loves the peacocks and roosters, he tries to chase them whenever he can.  Elephants are always a favorite, and they are big enough that Elli watches them when she can, but the fence in front of them makes it hard for her to see them sometimes.

Elli is very content to just sit in her stroller, which still confuses and amazes me.  I take them out on walks together and if she doesn't have a toy she starts to hit Michael.  Sometimes she hits him with the toy.  Aww sibling love.  The zoo is always a different story.  I think she knows what it is now and has grown to love being there.

Like I said, we go at least once a week.  If you ever want to come with us, let me know!

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