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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Moving, Teething, Colds, and Sleeplessness

It has been a very busy week.

Saturday we moved.  I'll admit this place is a little small, but I like it.  I'm finally forced to get rid of stuff that I should have said goodbye to a long time ago.  Like the fifteen purses that I hoarded....and the twenty pairs of flip flops.  Josh hates this though.  I made a deal with him that we can get a new TV for our room if he lets me get rid of stuff.  Of course I'll ask his opinion but I get the final say.  But I've only gotten rid of two things of his, an old TV stand and a pair of corduroy pants that I've told him to get rid of for a while.  That being said, I still have a lot to go through.  Unpacking has been very, very slow.

Why so slow?  Because the day we moved Elli was an angel.  She slept almost all day except to eat every three hours.....then she decided to stay up most of the night.  Leaving Josh and I with less than two hours of sleep.  This week has been rough because she keeps having trouble at night.  She sleeps, but she needs to eat every hour, then be rocked.  During the day she is awake, has 3-4 1-2 hour naps, and eats every 2-3 hours.  PERFECT!  Just not so much at night.  Oh well.

As for Michael, he had a rough day on Saturday.  I took the plunge and stuck my fingers in his mouth to feel his two bottom molars coming in.  Sunday he woke up coughing with a runny nose. He's still coughing, but I can't tell what's causing it, the cold or extra drool going down his throat. Either way he's been very needy.

So there are still boxes lying around everywhere.  It's still a minefield in the middle of the night.  Hopefully that goes away before this weekend!

Nope, no pictures.  I have no idea where the camera is.

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