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Monday, March 25, 2013

2 Months

Little Elli is two months today!!  She is getting so big!  She knows she has us wrapped around her cute, tiny fingers.

Today we took her to the doctor and got the following stats:

Height: 22 in (36th percentile)
Weight: 10 lbs 9oz (44th percentile)
Head: 14.6 in (10th percentile)

Overall the last month has been pretty smooth. 

She still wakes up a few times a night, and still hasn't figured out night and day.  It seems like she sleeps for almost 24 hours straight, then is up for 24 hours.  We're trying to get her on a schedule so she doesn't do this, but it's still a work in progress.  Today for example, she slept decent last night, then was awake from 7am-1pm.  She took a couple of cat naps, but didn't sleep for more than an hour total.  But can I blame her?  She's trying to sleep through Michael. 

It's so nice to have a baby that LOVES diaper changes.  Yes, loves.  She will be fussing non-stop and then smile as soon as I lay her down on the changing table.

Yup, she smiles!  But I don't have a picture of it yet.  I'm too busy trying to coax more out of her. 

What else can I say about our precious little princess....nothing, she's just that, a precious little princess. 

I'll leave you with a few more pictures so I can go cuddle my little one.

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