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Sunday, June 3, 2012

I guess people read this thing

So I posted our good news on here knowing that usually only three people read this blog.  I can see how many people view each post and I know all three of them.  So when I post our good news on here there are suddenly over 30 different people who have viewed our blog.  Then everyone gets mad.  So let me clear some things up.

When one family member finds out, usually within two days they all do.  I know this from when I was pregnant with Michael and from when I hear about other people who are pregnant.  This is how I know my sister-in-law is pregnant as well.  Usually I like this because then I don't have to call everyone.

Also, I did post that I was pregnant with Michael on facebook.  I did this because, again, all close family should have known by that point.  I posted it to let aunts, uncles, and some cousins know who didn't already.  Eventually I will do the same with this pregnancy.

To be quite frank, I'm annoyed that people are mad about this.  Especially the people who wouldn't tell me directly if they were pregnant.

Unfortunately I bet only the usual three people will continue to read my blog and see this post.


  1. Wait, why were people mad? And who was mad? Family members who found out on your blog instead of directly from you? If that's the case, I've just got to put it out there that that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! I think everyone should just be excited for you...no matter how they found out. :) If I would have found out about the news just from your blog, I would have called you immediately to congradulate you. I still don't get why people were mad?
