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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Ageless Facebook

Currently FB has rules about not letting children under 13 get profiles, but they are thinking of changing that.  I read a few responses to this and was amazed to find one from a mom saying it would take away all of her privacy.  I laughed at this for a moment because usually it's the kids saying this.  They don't want their parents joining FB and ruining their privacy.  But the mom has a point.  Not just about her kids, but about privacy in general.

Originally I got my FB account when I was in high school.  At that point it wasn't as popular and few people had it.  I enjoyed sharing things on there with just friends.  But that has changed now, with time and increased users.  Everyone has a different idea of how open they want to be on there, some people add everyone, some add only family, and there are many varying levels in-between.  I used to add everyone and not pay attention.  After a public spat with a family member I decided to delete them and some other people.  Bring on the first FB purging.

Since then I go through everyone every few months and see if I still want people as friends.  Some I never talk to so I delete them, others posts of horoscopes and Italian soap opera stars push me over the edge.  Others post things that I don't really approve of.  I also go through and change how much I see from every person, like hiding all pictures so I don't have to see Fabio Such-and-suchio.  When I do this though I always have the dilemma of 'can I delete this person or not?'

There are people I wish I could delete.  They drive me crazy and they post something every few minutes.  But these are sometimes the people that for one reason or another I can't delete.  Especially the few who are honestly a little creepy and check their number of friends every day to make sure no one deleted them, then they track you down and ask you about it....creepy!  I don't like sharing my life with those weirdos!

Where is my privacy anymore?  I used to think this blog was my little piece of privacy, more of a journal than something public.  After some people getting mad about my announcement last week I've learned more people read this than I thought.  Unfortunately I never realized how un-private this blog is.  Because of that incident this blog is now private, probably not for long so some family can read it, but it is for now.  I'm taking my privacy back!

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