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Monday, September 9, 2013

My Crunchy Side

I am still crunchy.  Very crunchy.  Lately I haven't acted on it as much.  Probably because I live in a tiny apartment and my cloth diapers still don't absorb anything.  So to most of the world I appear normal, but I know I'm not.

One of my dreams is to own a hobby farm and grow all of my food.  I want a few cows to milk, chickens to lay eggs, a few pigs, even a sheep would be fun if I learn anything about spinning wool.  I want to learn to make my own cheese.  I already know how to make butter from milk, I just haven't done it yet.  Yes, I know this is a crazy dream.  Most people dream of moving to Hawaii or Europe (even though I will always dream of visiting Europe, I wouldn't live there).  I guess I'm just different.

While I still feel too busy to be as crunchy as I would like I'm going to start doing a few more things to get back to my crunchy ways.  This week I'm making my own chicken broth.  I already bought a whole chicken and plan on starting that maybe tomorrow.  I'm also going to start using more homemade cleaners.  For now it will probably just be vinegar for general cleaning until we use up a few of our other cleaners.

I'll let you know how it goes!  Don't worry, I'll post some cute pictures of the kids soon.


  1. A part of me has that same dream, so I don't think you're weird. I love the idea of growing and making things! We use a fair amount of homemade cleaners too and I actually ENJOY making them! I think it would be really great to have chickens so I could use their eggs! Have I ever shared Jayson's cousin's blog with you? I think you'd really like it. It's thankyourbody.com

  2. p.s....although, I can't lie, I really would like to live in Hawaii. But probably not Europe.
