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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Elli's 1 month

Elli turned one month old three days ago.  She has been a sweet addition to our little family.  For the most part she has slept a lot, ate a lot, and been held a lot.  She also loves her binki.  While she is still little, she has done a few things this month
  • She has started holding her head up.  She's not great at it yet but getting much better
  • She can hold her binki in her mouth with her hand
  • Found her hands
  • Started staying awake for 1-2 hours at a time, sometimes 3-4 if Michael is in the room screaming and keeping her awake
I have enjoyed the last month, much more than I enjoyed being pregnant, but I do have to say that hitting this milestone made me think hey, we survived!  We survived another newborn.  We survived nights with little sleep.  We survived two kids in diapers.  We survived two kids that need constant attention.  We made it!!  And no one got hurt in the process!  So forgive me for the smug look on my face and let me pat myself on the back.  This is a major accomplishment!

Now, here's what you really came here to see, cute pictures!

Do they look alike?
Michael at one month with the same number

Thank you to all of the family that has been here to help us through the last month.  A big thanks to my mom who took time off work to help me on rough days and helped me get both of them to the doctors office!


  1. I haven't checked my blogs for months, and I realized that even though I've stopped adding to my blog, everyone else is still adding to theirs... and I've missed a lot!

    I love her!! And I think she and Michael look so much alike!
