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Monday, December 3, 2012

Michael's 12 month checkup

Michael's 1 year checkup was late and I'm annoyed why.  We moved right before Michael's 6 month checkup.  I was unwilling to drive up to Logan for a checkup, so I had to find a new doctor.  It took a while for me to find a doctor, so his 6 month appointment was 2 weeks late.  When I went to schedule a 12 month appointment a receptionist lied to me about the timing.  She said because of kindergarten requirements the 12 month appointment (and shots) has to be exactly 6 months after the 6 month appointment (and shots).  What a load of crap!!  This is not the case, so don't ever believe anyone trying to deter you from making an appointment when you want.

Anyways Michael's doctor is amazing, just amazing!  So Michael woke up that morning with a fever.  When I took him into the doctor it had reached 104.  His doctor spent at least a half hour with us checking up on him, doing a strep test, asking about his development, discussing his milestones, and letting us know the most recent information about getting shots and having a fever at the same time.  He even called us later that night to see if Michael's fever had gone down.  Amazing!!  We didn't end up getting shots, but we're going back in a about a week.  Here are his stats:

Weight:  19.9 lbs; 9th percentile
Height: 29.75 in; 42nd percentile
Head: 18.5 in; 65th percentile

His doctor says he is well rounded.  He is a decent height, but just so small!  His weight will always be on the very small side.  His height doesn't really follow a pattern.  His head is continually getting bigger.  It has gradually increased from the 13th percentile since birth.  

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