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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Why I get angry so quickly...

So lately I feel like I've had to defend my choice to have another baby so soon.  It gets me a little mad that I have to keep saying the same things over and over again!  Like:

  • This baby was planned.  Everyone assumes this baby was a surprise.  Not even close!  Josh and I decided to have another baby when Michael was 2 months old.  Yes, it might be a little crazy, but we have our reasons.
  • We aren't scared or freaking out more than we would if our babies were going to be further apart.  I have moments where I wonder how I'm going to be able to go grocery shopping alone, but I don't freak about things like that.  
  • Our family is not complete if we have any say in it.  We have felt that our family will be bigger than 4, but we don't know the exact timing of everything.  Having two kids close together is not my attempt to have my kids and be done.  It isn't so I can relax when both of my kids are in school 5 years after having my first.  
Another reason this all makes me so mad is because of the comments I keep getting.  Mostly about never getting sleep, or going out of mind with 2 so young, or the 'good luck' comment while  people silently chuckle to themselves.  Sometimes I want to hit them in the head and say "DUH!" Do you really think those things didn't cross my mind?  Even if this baby wasn't planned what do you think your comments are really accomplishing? (I would feel miserable if I had to hear this repeatedly if the baby was a surprise)

So why do people say these things?  Why is it impossible for us to say congratulations and silently think how crazy someone is?  Why do I get so angry when I hear these comments or have to answer the same questions?  Is it because I get offended by people assuming they know what is going on in my personal life, or because I'm tired of repeating myself?

Here is an example:

Yesterday Josh and I went to a ward party.  Now we are new to the ward and haven't gotten to know many people.  Part of this has to do with Michael not being very good in church lately.  There is a woman who lives near me who is now my visiting teacher.  I made some comment about Michael and getting used to other kids.  Now I am twenty weeks along and look pregnant, but I had on a huge shirt so I might still be in the fat stage.  She looked at my stomach for a minute and finally asked if I was expecting.  I told her I was.  While she tried to say it in a nice way, she was basically saying 'wow, two kids so close, good luck, sorry that happened'.  I then went on to tell her how we planned to have this baby close to Michael.  Her eyebrows shot up and she looked stunned that I would ever think of doing that.  Now she was (and still is) a nice woman who I look forward to being my visiting teacher, but I was mad about the situation.  

To everyone out there that has gone through this, even if your kids are farther apart, I'm so sorry! If I ever made any of these comments feel free to hit me in the head and say "duh"!  Hopefully when this baby is 6 months or so these comments will stop!

1 comment:

  1. I kept seeing people writing stuff like that on your facebook posts and it was making me so mad.
    I personally feel that when it comes to matters of children and when to have them and how many, etc. it's no one's business but the married couple's. Seriously. It's no one's business and you shouldn't have to explain yourself all of the time.
    It's not as frequent now that everyone knows we're adopting, but before that people would constantly ask me why we weren't having kids yet and sometimes I felt like saying, "It's really not your business, but we're not having kids because I'm inferile. Thanks for brining that up."
    Anyway, I'm sorry it's this way for you. I'm excited for you!
