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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Brand New Babies

I've mentioned before how sometimes you wake up and all of the sudden you seem to have a brand new kid.  Yesterday was one of those days, with both kids.  After a week of what felt like endless whining (which I attributed to teething) Elli woke up a new baby...who still doesn't have any teeth.  Michael had some big changes too, I really didn't expect this out of nowhere!

First, we went to the splash pad/park by our house.  I had Elli sitting up somewhat resting her head against me while Michael ran around.  At one point he needed help so I left Elli sitting there without even thinking about it.  I looked over after I was done helping Michael and Elli was still sitting up!  She seemed happy and content so I let her sit up by herself for another 5 minutes.

Here comes one of Michael's changes.  I didn't plan on him wanting to run around in the water because the last time we were there he ran away from the water and ran straight to the slides.  Well my little boy went straight to the water.  Thanks to the mom in my ward who gave me a swim diaper, because it was impossible to pull him away from the water.  He would stick his face straight in the water.  He would stick his hands in the water and then pretend to scoop the water into his mouth.  My little guy in just a swim diaper and the shirt he had on was having so much fun and laughing while running around that other parents were laughing at him.  Just imagine the screams when I tried to take him home an hour and a half later.

If you know my little girl you know she doesn't laugh very often.  I've never figured out why because she smiles all the time and is very ticklish.  Well when we got home I let her sit up and play with toys.  Michael sat next to her and they spent a good minute staring at each other and laughing at each other.

See how horrible this picture is?  I couldn't get a better one because Michael learned how to photobomb.  Every picture he stuck his head in front of.  Anyways, he spent a lot of time cuddling me, yes, CUDDLING!  He's not a cuddler, he's too busy running around and getting into everything.  I loved all of the cuddles!

I didn't work last night, which is a nice break because I work the next week straight, so we decided to go to Seven Peaks and get some good use out of our season passes.  Michael is usually a little nervous of all of the kids and slides.  He warms up if we go down the slides with him, but it usually takes a while.  When we got there he tried to run straight into the 4ft edge of one of the kids pools.  I had to pry him from the edge of the pool to put a swim diaper and life jacket on him.  Not only did Michael love the water, but Elli couldn't get enough of it!  She sat in the kiddy pool splashing non-stop.

On our way home we decided we would grab a quick dinner since we won't be having dinner together for a while.  We had a free meal at cafe rio and headed there.  For the first time ever we had to get two high chairs and two kids quesadillas.  We tried to give Elli tiny pieces of it, but settled on just giving her little bits of strawberries, her first actually solid food.

When we finally got home everyone was tired, but we knew the kids needed baths to get off layers of sunscreen.  Instead of being cranky for being up so late, they were both happy little things.

It will soon be time to get rid of the bumbo as the bath seat.

I couldn't believe my kids changed that quickly at once.  It's a little sad for me to see them growing up so quickly, but it's fun.  It was a busy, fun day.  Well, every day is busy, but this one was full of fun, sun, and enjoying the last few weeks before Josh starts school again.  If only every day could be just like this.

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