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Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I'm an all or nothing kind of person.

I want 10 kids or 2.

I want to start 3 quilts, two cross-stiches, and a painting project all at once, not just one at a time.

I will deep clean the whole house, or nothing will get done.

I will make a healthy, fancy dinner, or Josh makes dinner.

Why am I this way?  I blame it on being a perfectionist.  If it's not perfect I really don't see the point.  I get these big ideas in my head about how I can manage everything perfectly and dive right in.  I mean, why put my name on something that I know isn't great?  Yup, I agree with you, poor Josh. 

This will never, and I mean NEVER change.

In a way this is what I love most about myself (not my brutal honestly, which I hate most about myself).  While I procrastinate things that I know I can't do perfectly at the time being, they will get done, and as close to perfect as humanly possible.  A lot of times I take on too much.  Sometimes I end up overwhelmed, or I have to put something away for a while (which has happened to too many of my sewing projects), or sometimes just take a step back and refocus.  In the end I am always happy.  There might be a little stress involved but at least it ends up perfect.

I would like to add that Josh read this post while I was typing it and starting laughing at the truth of it all.  He would like to add more of my crazy perfectionist tendencies, but I thought it made me sound a little too crazy....so I'll leave the list as it is.

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